Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion are men and women who have the sacred responsibility of assisting in the distribution of the Holy Eucharist at regularly scheduled Masses as well as bringing the Lord in the Holy Eucharist to those who are sick, homebound, hospitalized, and imprisoned.
Contact: John Carroll, 610-220-2551 or john.carroll@ringsend.com
Altar Servers assist the priest at Mass on Sundays, weekdays and at various special ceremonies throughout the year. Altar serving is open to all parishioners from 6th through 12th grades. Training occurs twice a year. The time committment is 2 hours per month. Reliability, reverance and respect are reqired.
Age: Boys & Girls in Grades 6-12
Contact: Fr. Dieckhaus, 610-363-6536
Lectors proclaim the liturgical reading during the Liturgy of the Word. A workbook is provided to enable the lector to practice. Assignments are scheduled in advance. New lectors are always welcome. Individual as well as group training is provided. This ministry requires the ability to speak clearly and with expression.
Age: Young Adult/Adult
Contact: Mark Mullner, 610-637-2326
The purpose of this ministry is to greet the parishioners as they enter the church, help people find seating, collect the financial offering, direct the congregation at Communion time and to distribute the Parish Bulletin at the end of Mass. Ushers also help at special Liturgies such as First Holy Communion and Confirmation. New ushers are always weclome.
Age: Young Adult/Adult
Contact: John Beierle, 610-883-3943
Cantors lead, encourage and support the community in their sung prayer. Our mission is to make our liturgical music a form of prayer and to encourage the community to participate more fully in our liturgical celebrations. New ministers are always welcome. The cantors practice with the organists as needed. The time commitment is at least once a month, practice and seasonal meetings.
Age: Teen/young adult/adults
Contact: Carmel Kropp, 610-363-6536, ext 244
The Jericho Choir leads congregational singing at Mass. The group sings a wide range of music including traditional Catholic hymns, Latin, Gospel and Contemporary Christian. Members are taught the basics of singing in a choral group. We meet weekly and the time commitment is 9 hours per month.
Age: Teen/Young Adult/Adult
Contact: Walter Tatarowicz, 610-594-0177
The Adult Choir sings at the 9:00 am Mass on the first and third Sundays of each month from September through May. The Choir also sings at the Christmas Vigil, Holy Week liturgies and the conferring of sacraments. The choir welcomes any parishioners with a sincere desire to sing and a commitment to at least 80% of our liturgies and rehearsals. Training is provided. Time commitment is 10 hours per month. Previous singing experience is desirable, but not required.
Age: Teen/Young Adult/Adult
Contact: Matthew McCloskey, 610-594-9252
Organists are liturgical musicians who accompany, lead and support the assembly in sung prayer. Our mission is to make music a form of prayer and to encourage the community to participate more fully in our liturgical celebrations. New talent is always welcome. The organist practices with the cantors as needed. The time commitment is at least one Mass per month, plus practices and seasonal meetings.
Age: Teen/young adult/adults
Contact: Carmel Kropp, 610-363-6536, ext 244