What Does SS. Philip & James Parish Life Look Like During COVID-19?
SS Philip & James Church and St. Mary's Chapel is Closed effective immediately and until further notice.
Sacraments and Funerals
“Pastors, along with all those who work with them, will be as attentive as possible to all the spiritual, pastoral, and charitable needs of the people they serve.”
Visits to the Sick: there are already directives in place for hospitals and other institutions. All visits to the sick with Holy Communion in private homes, by priests, deacons and extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion are suspended. Priests are expected to celebrate the Sacraments for those in danger of death, especially Holy Viaticum. Requests can be made to 484-883-9773.
Confessions: Will be suspended until further notice, effective immediatly.
Baptisms: Families who have scheduled a baptism should contact the office to reschedule.
Weddings: Couples who have scheduled a wedding should contact the office to reschedule.
Funerals: If there is a need, please contact 484-883-9773.
Routine Office Matters In so far as it is possible, the lay staff of the parish will be working from home, or their responsibilities will be carried out as needed. Please contact Barbara Doyle at
bdoyle@sspjparish.net or Michael McCafferty at
mmccafferty@sspjparish.net for further assistance.
Palm Sunday, Holy Week and the Sacred Paschal Triduum Updates for these days and celebrations will be forthcoming. The Archbishop has dispensed all catechumens/candidates from the remaining scrutinies.
SSPJ Parish Communication Please sign up for email updates from SS Philip & James Parish on our home page:
Archdiocese of Philadelphia Information: Sunday Mass
Archbishop Pérez will celebrate a private Mass at 11 AM on Sundays and will be streamed on
http://archphila.org and the Archbishop’s Facebook page:
Until further notice all other parish related activities & meetings are suspended.
We are relying on our Parishoners, please remain connected to us and let us know of parishioners that are in need.