The month of August is dedicated to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. “What the Catholic faith believes about Mary is based on what it believes about Christ, and what it teaches about Mary illumines in turn its faith in Christ” (CCC 487).
FORMED offers an array of content about our Blessed Mother. “The Bible and the Virgin Mary” is an excellent 12-part video series that examines the role of Mary in salvation history, including her role as the New Eve, Ark of the Covenant and Queen Mother. “Understanding Catholic Teaching on the Blessed Virgin Mary” by Tom Perna is a downloadable PDF, offered through the Faith Basics series, which explores the meaning behind the four Marian dogmas: Mother of God, Perpetual Virginity, Immaculate Conception, Assumption into Heaven.
We celebrate the Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Aug 15th and the Feast of the Queenship of Mary on Aug 22nd. You can find FORMED content on each of these using the SEARCH function.
Please consider joining our Rosary group each weekday and Saturday morning after 8:30 AM mass to pray the Rosary in church.